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Phoenix IT Services

Your Complete Guide To Finding Phoenix IT Services

You hang up the phone with your Phoenix IT services provider with an uneasy feeling – something’s off.

The easy route is to chalk your stomach’s gymnastics up to last night’s takeout and get back to dealing with your overflowing inbox.

Don’t ignore your gut.

It could be telling you it’s time for a new IT partner.

3 Questions To Help You Decide If It’s Time to Switch IT Providers

These 3 questions get you to think through the early signals that you’ve outgrown your current partner and should explore your options.

1. How often does your provider tell you a problem can’t be fixed?

It’s amazing how frequently we walk into an organization and spot a glaring IT issue or inconvenience. When we ask, “Don’t you want it fixed?” the response goes something like this:

Of course, but our IT provider said we can’t do anything about it, that’s just the way it is.

An IT provider who tells you to accept the status quo is like a mechanic telling you to drive around on a flat tire.

Your organization grinds to a snail’s pace. Left unresolved, the problem eventually damages critical systems and infrastructure.

2. Do your employees work on IT issues instead of business projects?

If you pay a financial analyst $100,000 a year, the highest and best use of their time is analyzing deals – not trying to figure out why their wireless mouse and keyboard won’t connect to their computer.

Outside of any IT staff, your employees are not tech experts.

They should not spend time setting up, troubleshooting, or optimizing IT.

3. Have events caused you to distrust your provider?

Think back to any “head-scratching” moments you’ve had with your provider. Those instances that cause you to pause and think, really?

Being told to “just accept” a problem qualifies. Out-of-the-blue price increases are another warning sign.

We know a company that was informed their monthly support bill would rise from $2,000 to $5,000. No new services, just new costs.

Never quietly absorb random price increases or lowered levels of support.

Start looking for new providers you can trust.

5 Trust Factors To Look for in Your IT Provider

Choosing an IT provider follows the same rubric as picking any other business partner – find someone you can build a trustworthy relationship with.

1. Honest, approachable communicator

For us, honest communication starts before a contract is signed. In meetings with potential clients, we tell organizations if we are not a good fit for each other.

Why would we turn away business?

It’s because we want to have a relationship built on mutual respect.

Someone who only wants help desk will not find value in critical services we provide our managed IT clients.

If the partnership goes forward, we remain open and forthright.

We welcome feedback too, because we want to best serve you and your organization.

2. Unbiased advice

A product-focused IT provider will always have a solution that revolves around costly new equipment. They tell you, sure, you can solve that problem, but it will take $100,000 of new equipment.

Sometimes, buying new hardware and software is inevitable, but stratospheric costs are avoidable.

Unbiased IT partners:

  • Listen to your problems and goals
  • Factor in your budget
  • Design a solution that’s right for you
  • Present a reasonable quote (think $10K, not $100K)
  • Don’t push you into buying products

Have a quote you think is unfair?

Let us analyze it for you

3. Strategic expert

Right now, you’re at Point A. You have goals – Points B, C, D, etc.

Your IT partner should point out which IT solutions smooth the path that moves your business along the journey – and which to avoid.

At first, a new app seems like it would add value, but it could cause productivity to drop. Managing too many apps can cause employees to lose an hour of productivity, every day.

A strategic partner guides you past IT bottlenecks and keeps you moving toward your goals.

4. Adaptable partner

Our client was caught off guard when a water valve broke, drenching their server room with gallons of water. We didn’t expect it either.

Hundreds of work hours, no invoice

It took us hundreds of hours to help them recover from the incident. They were not charged because we don’t itemize what is and is not part of IT services – because we know life is unpredictable.

Instead, we maintain a high level of adaptability by defining what’s not included – call us to learn more: 602.806.8025.

5. Add stability to your business

It makes sense that you’re constantly putting out IT fires when you do not have a fully fledged IT department (internal or outsourced).

But once someone is in control, that person should resolve outstanding issues and have a system for managing your technology

With the right IT partner on your side, you:

  • Stop serving as your own IT help desk
  • Experience less downtime
  • Get secure technology that works

If a problem does pop up, you can reach your provider quickly and easily. They then resolve the issue just as swiftly.

You’ve Spent Enough Time Thinking About Phoenix IT Services

Technology is only one aspect of your business and, frankly, you’ve spent enough time thinking about IT.

It’s time for you to renew your focus on strategic initiatives and projects.

When you partner with itSynergy, anything technology related becomes our problem, not yours.

Talk to us today and take IT off your to-do list



itSynergy has been providing managed IT services and outsourced technology management to small- and mid-sized businesses for over 20 years. We are seen as trusted technology advisors by clients because we partner with them for success. Our philosophy is that when technology works as it should, it supports and enhances an organization’s ability to accomplish its goals and objectives and meet business growth goals.