Managed IT Services

Partnering for Elevated
Managed IT Services

Our Managed IT Services give you the technology support you need—no headaches, no hassles, and no hidden costs.

At itSynergy, we've designed our managed services suite to give businesses like yours everything they need , whether they have an internal IT team or not. Everything you require to leverage modern technology to your advantage—from help desk support, to vendor management, to backups and disaster recovery—is all provided at a fixed, predictable monthly cost.

Likewise, you also have to consider that we're more effective than an in-house department in many ways. We don't take sick days. We never give our two weeks notice, telling you we're leaving for someone else. You'll never have to scramble to replace us—truly, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better everyday support solution for your business.

Why Managed Services?

  • Let us do the routine (read: mundane) tasks that are too important for your actual employees. They can focus on what matters most to your business, and we'll take care of the rest.
  • Add our capabilities to your internal team, if you already have one in place. We can handle the tasks and projects they don’t have time for.
  • Stop worrying about software updates, patches and security fixes. That's what we're here for.
  • Hate trying to make sense of multiple vendor contracts and ongoing relationships? Perfect—we'll take care of that, too, so that everything "just works" the way it's supposed to.

Here's a quick overview of what's included in our

Managed Services program:

The itSynergy IT Help Desk

24/7/365 support that you can depend on.

One minute, you’re working hard on that big project you’re trying to get out the door for your most important client. The next minute, you’re locked out of your system and you don’t have time for a password reset. Or maybe you’re trying to get clarification on deliverables from a customer, but email issues are getting in the way. You’re trying to check on your team’s progress, but you’re suddenly going through software issues that you just can’t get to the bottom of.

These are the types of issues that our IT Help Desk can solve—allowing you to stop focusing on what is holding you back and start focusing on what can push you forward.

  • You’ll get access to a dedicated, passionate team of experts who are available for issues both large and small.
  • Whether you need help via email, chat, phone or in-person doesn’t matter—if you need us, we’ll be there.


Stop worrying about risks and start focusing on your business.

One of the most important things to understand about IT security is that this isn’t something you “set and forget.” The threat landscape is constantly evolving, which means you need to make every effort to stay ahead of the people who want to do you and your business harm.

itSynergy will keep your risks minimized. Instead of forcing your own people to engage in these important (but time consuming) cybersecurity tasks, you can let us handle things like:

  • Monitoring your systems 24/7/365 for signs of malicious activity
  • Filtering web content, reviewing rules and performing updates on your firewall.
  • Patching vulnerabilities quickly after they're discovered.
  • Updating software to the latest versions as soon as they’re available.
  • Managing deep user access controls and two-factor authentication.
  • Facilitating employee security training and best practices.
  • Developing cybersecurity policy.
  • Assisting with Cyber Liability insurance.
  • Monitoring your systems 24/7/365 for signs of malicious activity.

Network Monitoring and Management

Constant monitoring generates constant insight and opportunities for improvement.

Whether you have a physical network, a cloud-based or virtual network or a hybrid of the two, your organization is made up of countless desktop and laptop computers, smartphones, tablets, servers and more. For your IT infrastructure to perform the way you need it to, it must be as streamlined and as simplified as possible. This, in essence, is why Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) software is so critical—it’s always capturing device performance data and is scanning processes, applications and event logs, even when everyone else has gone home for the day.

RMM feeds real-time, actionable data back to our own system so that it can trigger automated alerts for more than 2,400 types of potential issues. If a problem rears its ugly head, we’ll be able to put a stop to it in real-time, before it has a chance to negatively impact your business down the road.

  • We'll have a to-the-second view of your network and all connected devices, so we always know exactly what is going on.
  • Performance reports generate full visibility and accountability at all times.
  • Potential problems are flagged and addressed before they impact your network.
  • Automated backups are critical for restoring systems in the event of an outage.
  • Even if we need to reset a switch or even a surge protector, we can do so remotely—allowing our Help Desk staff to step in and take care of a problem before you even realize that something is going on.

Backup and Disaster Recovery Services

No matter what life happens to throw at you, you’ll be ready.

Disasters come in all shapes and sizes, but that doesn’t mean you can afford to be any less prepared. We’re not just talking about cyber attacks and other IT-related disasters, either; a fire or flood in your office can be just as devastating as a computer virus. Even your own employees might accidentally cause a problem—don’t forget that 58% of lost data comes from human error. Any one of these events could bring your business to its knees, which is why you need to be ready for anything.

With our comprehensive backup, disaster recovery and business continuity services, your business will be optimally prepared to address any potential disaster. In most cases, you will be able to pick right back up as quickly as possible like nothing ever happened. We can prepare you for a range of events to minimize IT damage and data loss, including:

  • Natural disasters.
  • Hardware failures.
  • File corruption and software failures.
  • Cyber attacks.

Vendor Management

Optimized management that ensures less work for you and a better return on your investment.

Working with technology vendors on a daily basis can quickly become a full-time job—which is a problem, because you’ve already got one of those. At itSynergy, we have long-term relationships with a lot of the top vendors in the area, allowing us to not only step in and act as your single point of contact for all vendor relations, but also putting us in an excellent position to negotiate better deals and better pricing whenever we can.

Whether you’re interested in exploring better options for your Internet, phones, fax services, CCTV, access control, alarms, network wiring or all of the above, we’re available to manage all the back and forth with however many vendors are involved.

  • Have a single point of contact for anything IT related.
  • Allow our team to help negotiate better rates for your services.
  • Ensure you have the right technology stack to help you reach your business goals.

CTO and Strategic IT Consulting

Create a better future for your business through better planning today.

IT should always be a revenue generator for your business—but without the right strategy at the heart of your infrastructure, it’s difficult (some might say impossible) to get to that point. This is why our outsourced CTO services are so valuable. We can help drive your IT strategy, recommend better ways to use technology to preserve your competitive advantage and more.

Your business is always evolving and your IT needs to evolve right along with it. itSynergy offers both the short and long-term initiatives that can help make that happen, unlocking incredible efficiency and productivity gains along the way.

  • Strategic consulting is a core part of our offering that ensures you get the best results from our service—not an added bonus.
  • Work directly with our IT consultants who have 20+ years of strategic business IT experience.

Work-from-Home Support

Work anywhere, at any time, without any hassle.

Your employees need to work anywhere, from any location, at any time. Along with their laptops, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets are key tools for remote work, but can often compromise business security in the process.

itSynergy will equip your remote team members with the hardware, software and security solutions needed to develop productive and secure home offices. We’ll ensure your staff can securely access company data no matter where they’re working.

  • Monitor employee productivity no matter where they are working.
  • Comprehensive collaboration tools to bring your team together.
  • Confident security across both your in-office and remote workspaces.

Regulatory Compliance and More

Take the weight of deciphering the IT requirements of your regulatory compliance off your shoulders.

No matter what numbers or letters your business needs to comply with (PCI, CMMC, SEC, HIPAA, 800-171, NIST CSF, SOC II, ISO, etc.) itSynergy can help you check all the regulatory boxes.

Our team of professionals has experience with all of the major compliance frameworks and can help you work through the requirements to ensure you meet the compliance standard, and monitor your compliance on an ongoing basis to ensure you stay there and can provide the reporting to demonstrate ongoing compliance to regulators.

  • Evaluate the requirements of the regulatory standard(s) which apply to your business
  • Map out a plan to take you from current state to compliance state
  • Put in place the necessary monitoring, auditing, and reporting to ensure you continue to meet regulatory requirements on an ongoing basis.

Let's Take Your Business to the Next Level

Above all, we promise never to hit you with hidden fees. We're not going to try to sell you on the "newest, fanciest, coolest" IT trend just for the sake of it. We're just here to provide good, old-fashioned IT support that puts your technology to work in a better way than your internal IT department would be able to handle on its own.

So are managed services right for your business? It's very possible—and we want to find out.