itSynergy: Blog

EXCELLENT Password Checker

Our friends at Intel have provided an excellent public service by providing a password checking site that will grade the quality of your password.

It is interesting to try different passwords and see how long each would take to hack. One thing that very quickly becomes obvious is that length is far more important than complexity.


“The password “Br3ak1ead&7” would take a computer three days to crack, at 1,000 guesses per second. Meanwhile, the seemingly simple “thunder showers before sunset” password, would take the same computer, guessing at the same rate, 550 years to crack”
So how do your passwords grade?



itSynergy has been providing managed IT services and outsourced technology management to small- and mid-sized businesses for over 20 years. We are seen as trusted technology advisors by clients because we partner with them for success. Our philosophy is that when technology works as it should, it supports and enhances an organization’s ability to accomplish its goals and objectives and meet business growth goals.