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4 Benefits of Good IT That Help Phoenix Doctors Grow Their Practice

4 Benefits of Good IT That Help Phoenix Doctors Grow Their Practice

The medical industry has excelled with the remarkable advancements in using technology to research, implement and monitor patient treatments. However, there are also fundamental IT solutions to help your practice grow by focusing on patient and staff experiences.

Here’s 4 ways that IT can help you grow your practice:

  1. Increase staff performance

By ensuring that your IT network is up-to-date and well-maintained, your staff won’t suffer from downtime, slow computers or sluggish internet connections. This in turn means patients get appointments scheduled quickly, are seen in a timely manner and receive treatment and billing information expediently.

  1. Improve patient opinion

If your staff is fumbling around with computers, printers and even medical equipment, patients may perceive your practice as being old fashioned or lacking the expertise needed to provide the best medical care. Medical practices with top technology – and staff members who know how to use it – retain and attract more patients.

  1. Increase efficiency

Although many medical practices now use electronic health records (EHR), most of the systems are not integrated. This means if a patient has an MRI done at one facility, your office probably doesn’t have digital access to the test. You have to request the results and they are then emailed or – worse! – faxed over to you. This delays care for the patient (and creates HIPAA risks at the same time).

Also, if your billing, check-in, treatment and insurance processes are all integrated into one seamless system, it eliminates duplicate data entry and reduces mistakes.

  1. Provide best-in-class service

By engaging with a Managed Services Provider who specifically focuses on the healthcare industry, your medical practice’s technology will be privy to IT best practices that turn your practice into a trend setter.  On top of the minimal downtime you will experience, increased patient satisfaction, and better security, you will appear to be the leader among your peers, as your technology catapults your practice into the top tier of practices in the Phoenix area.

Contact itSynergy at 602-297-2400 or online to find out more ways technology can help advance your medical practice.



itSynergy has been providing managed IT services and outsourced technology management to small- and mid-sized businesses for over 20 years. We are seen as trusted technology advisors by clients because we partner with them for success. Our philosophy is that when technology works as it should, it supports and enhances an organization’s ability to accomplish its goals and objectives and meet business growth goals.