
Examining IT Auditing Topics

What You Need to Know About Encryption: 5 Tips for RIAs

OCIE audits are hardly a pop quiz for registered investment advisors (RIAs). Every year, the SEC releases its priorities for the year. Right there in the 2020 Examination Priorities  on page 13, you’ll find “Information Security.” The publication even underlines the importance of the section with a “Did You Know?” callout box, reminding readers how…

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Businessman with sword and shield by server, server backup concept

Are You Prepared for Disaster? 5 Action Items for Successful Backups

Businesses in Arizona have at least one major advantage over peers in other states: we don’t have to deal with extreme weather events, like hurricanes or tornadoes. But this benefit is a double-edged sword because it cultivates a false sense of invincibility. Business owners perceive disaster recovery plans as unnecessary because we don’t have weather-caused…

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IT Synergy Data Transparency

How to Create a Transparent IT Partnership – And Why It Matters

More than once, this has happened to us. We’re in a meeting with a potential client. It reaches the point where we want to know more about how their systems are structured and see if we should work together. We ask for access and our potential client tells us they need to get the credentials…

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Kolbe Corporation: Less Time Putting Out Fires; More Time on Revenue Generation

Kolbe Corporation: Less Time Putting Out Fires; More Time on Revenue Generation

Background Kolbe Corporation is a multi-channel business focused on empowering and enhancing people’s understanding of themselves. Working in both the B2B and B2C marketplaces, the company offers webinars, trainings and consultations that measure a person’s natural instincts, and applies that knowledge to improving relationships, parenting, co-worker collaboration, management, hiring and selection processes. The Challenge Prior…

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Your 2020 Cybersecurity Strategy: 5 Factors to Focus On

We don’t know what the new year will bring, but we’re certain cyberattacks are on the horizon. The strength of your cybersecurity strategy will determine whether malicious actors successfully attack your organization. Focus on the 5 factors below and stay secure in 2020. 1. Adopt the ‘Assume Breach’ Mentality There’s an incredibly valuable chart in…

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