
URGENT ALERT: Microsoft Announces Zero Day Word Exploit

URGENT ALERT: Microsoft Announces Zero Day Word Exploit

Late last night, Microsoft announced a newly discovered exploit that is in the wild that allows remote code execution by merely previewing an email in Microsoft Outlook (without clicking on it or taking any other action). Although this has not been patched yet, Microsoft has issued a Fix It solution which will disable use of…

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itSynergy Announces Amanda Larson as Technology Advisor

itSynergy Announces Amanda Larson as Technology Advisor

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The Internet of Things – Part 1 of 2

The Internet of Things – Part 1 of 2

There has been a lot of ballyhoo in the press lately about the Internet of Things. As we always try to do with this blog, we’ve attempted to wade through the noise and reduce the topic down to what matters to small and mid-market companies as it relates to technology strategy. For the purposes of…

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New Worm Exploits Issue with Linksys Home Routers

New Worm Exploits Issue with Linksys Home Routers

Thanks to Mark Minasi ( for bringing a new issue to our attention related to Linksys Home Routers. This is by FAR one of the most popular brands out there when it comes to home routers, so it is probably a good idea to check if one of these is in your house (or heaven…

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A Mismatch Between the IT Industry and CIOs?

A Mismatch Between the IT Industry and CIOs?

I have no doubt those in the IT industry will agree with me that it is hard to find a single piece of industry literature, news story, or speaker that doesn’t have the word “cloud” at least once in every sentence. That’s all we hear about from vendors and the media/press these days – cloud,…

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